How to build a new bonsai plant


  • How to grow a new bonsai plant?
  • equirements:

  1.    Plants of suitable size
  2.    bonsai containers (shallow pot)
  3.    soil manure
  4.    bricks
  5.    manure
  6.    coir
  7.    pruning shears
  8.    plastic nets
  9.    copper wire
  10.    wire cutters

 Selection of Plants for Bonsai

 Woody tree or shrub species are selected to make bonsai. Stem size with leaves, flowers, fruits and branches is essential when choosing a particular plant. A bonsai plant made from seeds will take a long time to train. Therefore, a branch of a large plant is used as aerial layers for bonsai. Well-grown nurseries are also selected for making bonsai.

 Here are some essential plants for bonsai:

    2.  PALU             CEYLON IRONWOOD TREE
    3.  NUGA            BANYAN
    4.  MEE              MABHUCA
    5.  KUBUK         ARJUN TREE

Procedure for Building a New Bonsai Plant:

  •  Procedure for Building a New Bonsai Plant: Soil preparation: This is done by separating the soil through 3 different filters to obtain three different grades. A well-balanced soil mixture for bonsai consists of three parts of garden soil, three parts of manure and two parts of broken bricks and manure. Bottom layer (coarse soil or sand) - to facilitate soil drainage. The middle layer of soil mixture (soil + manure + bricks) for filling pots. Top layer (thin soil) - gives a finishing touch.

  •  Bonsai tree Bonsai preparation: Arrange the plant by removing it from the previous pot. Remove excess soil from the roots with the help of sticks. Cut off the extra roots without disturbing the primary roots. Prune the shoots to the desired shape. Take a pot of washed and dried bonsai. Cover the drain holes with plastic mesh. If the plant finds it difficult to stand in the pot, pass the copper wire through both drainage holes and through the mesh. Spread the topsoil on the bottom of the pot, then spread a little of the middle soil.

  •  Now place the prepared plant in the proper place. Wrap the wire around the root ball and secure its position. Fill almost the middle soil around the plant. Dig the soil around the pot sticks to compact the soil. Sprinkle with excellent surface soil and give the final touch to the bonsai. Brush off excess soil. The pot should be immersed in a bowl of water. Keep in a pot until the soil is well moistened. Water the leaves with a sprayer. Keep the plant in partial shade and gradually expose it to the sun until new growth appears.

  •  Allow the potted seedlings to grow well for about 4 months. Make the first pruning after about 4 months. Choose a suitable style before cutting. Prune the unwanted branches of the plant according to that style. Cut off the leaves from the whole plant. After pruning, the plant is wrapped in wire, as shown in the figure below.

  • The pruned plant should be exposed to the sun. Then new leaves and more leaves will come. Allow new branches to grow well for about 6 months. Be sure to loosen the coil wire on the growing branches. After another 6 months, cut back and wrap the wire. Pruning and fertilizing when needed can create a successful bonsai plant.